API Reference



Enum representing various Discord permissions.

  • CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE: Permission to create instant invites.
  • KICK_MEMBERS: Permission to kick members.
  • BAN_MEMBERS: Permission to ban members.
  • ADMINISTRATOR: Permission to be an administrator.
  • MANAGE_CHANNELS: Permission to manage channels.
  • MANAGE_GUILD: Permission to manage the guild.
  • ADD_REACTIONS: Permission to add reactions to messages.
  • VIEW_AUDIT_LOG: Permission to view the audit log.
  • PRIORITY_SPEAKER: Permission to use priority speaker.
  • STREAM: Permission to stream in voice channels.
  • VIEW_CHANNEL: Permission to view channels.
  • SEND_MESSAGES: Permission to send messages.
  • SEND_TTS_MESSAGES: Permission to send TTS messages.
  • MANAGE_MESSAGES: Permission to manage messages.
  • EMBED_LINKS: Permission to embed links in messages.
  • ATTACH_FILES: Permission to attach files to messages.
  • READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY: Permission to read message history.
  • MENTION_EVERYONE: Permission to mention everyone.
  • USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS: Permission to use external emojis.
  • VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS: Permission to view guild insights.
  • CONNECT: Permission to connect to voice channels.
  • SPEAK: Permission to speak in voice channels.
  • MUTE_MEMBERS: Permission to mute members in voice channels.
  • DEAFEN_MEMBERS: Permission to deafen members in voice channels.
  • MOVE_MEMBERS: Permission to move members between voice channels.
  • USE_VAD: Permission to use voice activity detection.
  • CHANGE_NICKNAME: Permission to change nickname.
  • MANAGE_NICKNAMES: Permission to manage nicknames.
  • MANAGE_ROLES: Permission to manage roles.
  • MANAGE_WEBHOOKS: Permission to manage webhooks.
  • MANAGE_EMOJIS: Permission to manage emojis.


Enum representing various events in the application.

  • CommandNotFound: Event triggered when a command is not found.
  • ArgumentCastingError: Event triggered when there is an error casting an argument.
  • CheckFailure: Event triggered when a check fails.
  • CommandOnCooldown: Event triggered when a command is on cooldown.
  • MissingRequiredArgument: Event triggered when a required argument is missing.
  • TooManyArguments: Event triggered when too many arguments are passed.
  • BadArgument: Event triggered when an argument is invalid.
  • ConversionError: Event triggered when an error occurs during conversion.
  • CommandInvokeError: Event triggered when an error occurs during command invocation.



Exception raised when a command is not found.


Exception raised when there is an exception during command execution.


Exception raised when an error occurs during argument casting.


Exception raised when a command is on cooldown.


Exception raised when a required argument is missing.


Exception raised when a user does not have the required permissions to execute a command.

Handler Class

The Handler class processes commands and events in a Discord bot.

__init__(self, app: Client, prefix: Union[str, List[str]], case_insensitive: bool = False)

Initialize the botcontroller.

  • app (Client): The Discord client instance.
  • prefix (Union[str, List[str]]): The prefix or list of prefixes for commands.
  • case_insensitive (bool): Whether command matching is case insensitive.

@command(name: str, description: str, aliases: List[str] = [])

Decorator to register a command.

  • name (str): The name of the command.
  • description (str): The description of the command.
  • aliases (List[str]): The list of aliases for the command.
Injected arguments:
  • message (Message): The Discord message containing the command.

@event(event_name: str)

Decorator to register an event botcontroller.

  • event_name (Union[Str | botcontroller.Event]): The name of the event to handle.
Injected arguments:
  • message [conditional on event type] (discord.Message): The Discord message containing the command.
  • command [conditional on event type] (botcontroller.Command): The invoked command.
  • argument [conditional on event type] (str): The argument that caused the event to be invoked.
  • exception [conditional on event type] (Exception): The exception that was raised.
  • permission_type [conditional on event type] (str['USER' | 'CHANNEL' | 'GUILD' | 'ROLE' | 'PERMISSION']): The type of Permission check that errored.
  • missing_attribute (discord.Role | discord.Channel | discord.Guild | discord.Permissions | discord.User): The object of the failed permission.



Handles the event when an error is raised during command invocation.

  • message (discord.Message): The message object received during invocation.


Handles the event when there is an error casting an argument.

  • message (discord.Message): The message object received during invocation.
  • command (botcontroller.Command): The command object in which the error occured.
  • argument (str): The argument that caused the error.


Handles the event when there is an exception during command execution.

  • message (discord.Message): The message object received during invocation.
  • command (botcontroller.Command): The command object in which the exception occured.
  • error (Exception): The exception that was raised.


Handles the event when a user does not have the required permissions to execute a command.

  • permission_type (List[str]): The list of permissions required to execute the command.
  • message (discord.Message): The message object received during invocation.
  • missing_attribute (discord.Role | discord.Channel | discord.Guild | discord.Permissions | discord.User): The object of the failed permission.